Music For Geeks & Nerds

Learn more about music with the programming knowledge you already have.

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Modern Python Development with PyCharm

Become more productive with the best Python IDE.

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PyCharm as the Ultimate Python Debugger

Many people use the standard Python debugger (pdb or ipdb) because it works well and can be used as a standalone tool or with your favorite editor. I’ve used it for years, but today I’m more productive using the PyCharm debugger. It can debug Python, JavaScript, and Django and Jinja Templates (making the debugging process seamless in web applications). Also, I don’t have to worry about leaving pdb.set_trace calls around anymore.

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Converting MIDI Files to MP3 on the Mac OS

I often need to convert a bunch of MIDI files to MP3 for teaching and lecturing. There are a few commercial graphical apps for the Mac and you can even use Garageband, but I always wanted to be able to convert MIDI files using the command line since it’s easier and I can automate the whole process. On the Mac we can use Timidity++ or Fluidsynth, both available using homebrew.

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Time Tracking for Founders

How many hours have you worked on your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) in the past month? How many hours have you worked on your lifestyle business this week? How long does it take to write a book? I’m able to give reasonable answers to these questions because I track my time.

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My ebook: Music for Geeks and Nerds

I’m happy to announce that I’m launching my ebook, Music for Geeks and Nerds. It uses programming and mathematics to teach same aspects of music and it answers long-standing questions such as why Eb and D# are different, and which sequence sounds better, Pascal’s triangle or Fibonacci (place your bets). I wrote it because I have friends who are programmers, computer scientists, or engineers and they are always asking me for book recommendations to learn more about music. There are good books out there, but I always feel they present things in a prescriptive, “magical”, or worse, artsy way.

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Harmonizing Every Scale With Python

I was advising some students the other day about harmonizing non-traditional scales and someone mentioned how it would be useful to have a list of harmonizations for every possible scale. I bragged that I could write a program in half-hour to accomplish it. Of course it took longer than that, but I quickly wrote a small python program to generate harmonizations for every possible scale and used LilyPond to typeset them.

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SICP in Python

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (a.k.a SICP, or “The Wizard Book”) is considered one of the great computer science books. Some people claim it will make you a better programmer. It was the entry-level computer science subject at MIT and it’s still used in universities like Berkeley. One of the great things about SICP is that it focus on computational processes and ideas, instead of just teaching syntax.

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Dr. Pedro Kroger

I'm a professor of music composition and computer music. I've been known to teach programming to musicians and music to computer scientists. I live near the beach in sunny Salvador, Brazil. I also lived in Austin, San Francisco, Rome, and London.